Five pro cyclists reflect on bike safety


“Help make our world a safer place to ride.”

It’s easy, when taking on a topic like how vulnerable cyclists are on the open road, to take a hard line against one or the other. There’s Rob Ford (un)”apologetically” blaming cyclists for their own demise. And then there’s former pro Phil Gaiman blaming it all on “some asshole who was texting or going too fast and ran over Phil in his fucking car”. I think most of us fall more on Phil’s side of that spectrum.

But really, usually get it right. About half way through, the cyclists stop telling their horror stories and showing us their war wounds and tell us how they know they have to bear some responsibility. How it’s really all about working together. How they understand they have top be predictable and visible if they want to survive amongst the behemoths who would kill them.

OK, emphasis mine in that last sentence. It’s all very commendable but I wonder if Phil’s approach might be more effective.