Le Ride – Official Trailer


Even fans of The Amazing Race may not know that host Phil Keoghan is an avid cyclist. So much so that he and a good friend retraced the route of the 1928 Tour de France, following the same schedule on 1928-era bikes and gear. The Tour de France was even tougher back then. 164 riders started the race, only 41 finished. The stats on the Tour that year are mind-boggling: 5,371 kilometres, a longest stage of almost 400 kilometres, 40,333 metres of climbing, and only one gear.

The ride is a tribute to the first-ever English speaking team to enter the Tour. In 1928, a group of 3 Aussies and a New Zealander entered the race and were among the few to finish it. Phil Keoghan is from New Zealand so he had an even greater motivation to tell the story. This trailer sets the stage well. The film came out earlier this year and is currently available for screenings. Check the website for details.

How fitting that the host of show called The Amazing Race tells this amazing story. Well done mates.

UPDATE: I saw the film, with a bunch of fellow bike fanatics, at a local theatre—all booked online through Demand Films. The film was great, well worth seeing.