Hellion First Ramp


This video really gives me the warm and fuzzies. Maybe it’s because it was my son who sent me the link, but you don’t have to be a Dad to appreciate the glee in four-year-old Malcolm’s voice when he shouts “I’m doing it! I did it Dad! I loved it!” while clearing the first ramp of Hellion, a challenging trail at Highland Mountain Bike Park in Maine. Once he cleaned that ramp, there was no stopping him—and his enthusiasm in this point-of-view video is infectious. It even has a funny real-life moment when Malcolm mis-hears Dad ask “Can you see well?” and says “No, I don’t have to pee.”

This video is from 2012 so Malcolm isn’t four anymore. He probably tears down Hellion like one of the pros now. But I’ll bet none of those runs match the thrill of this first one.