I’m Canadian so Alison Jackson is basically a Goddess in our pantheon now after winning Paris-Roubaix in 2023. Here’s the heartwarming ‘Backstory’, delivered →
It’s strange how the 90s are like ancient history in the cycling world. They aren’t that long ago but this video sure looks →
Wow, how did I not know about Beryl Burton? I’m tempted to say it’s because she was only ever an amateur cyclist, world →
Mountain biking has been around long enough now, especially on the North Shore, that its originators are true OGs. Like Betty Birrell, the →
This is such a touching story. One of the fundamental tenets of VeloVID is that a great cycling video is really about more →
It’s hard to go wrong with nudity but this celebration of The World Naked Bike Ride is really well done. Clever editing keeps →
Half way through this video and I’m reflecting on how refreshing it is to watch a bike messenger video that isn’t wall-to-wall raging →
This one’s personal for me. It might be for you too. If you’ve ever lost someone close. If bikes have ever been a →
I favour shorter videos on VeloVID. In fact, I’ve already posted a short video about the ELF that nicely captures what a charming →
When I dream of the future, it looks something like this. (Unless I’m in a rowdy mood, and then it looks something like →