How can Lachlan Morton not be your favourite cyclist in the world? This video is longer than most on VeloVID, longer even than →
5 days is a nice bike tour. 50 days would be a decent bike adventure. 50 years is an obsession. But that’s what →
Although he finally passed in his 110th year, Robert Marchand was a dedicated, record setting cyclist till at least 107. Some of the →
This is as much about family as it is about cycling. After so many years the bond of family is strong here—but so →
“The midges are horrendous.” Royal blood is as good as any other for them, I suppose. But cheers to King Charles to be →
This and “Bike Through Water“? To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction, “I’m going man, that’s all there is →
It’s been a long time since I posted anything to VeloVID and I’m not trying to make up for lost time with a →
In some ways, this is more terrifying than any of Danny MacAskill’s other videos, even if it isn’t credits-to-credits amazing stunt riding. It’s →
Mountain bike videos these days are mostly about going big. I like those that go beautiful as well. This is no The Ridge→
This one’s personal for me. It might be for you too. If you’ve ever lost someone close. If bikes have ever been a →